Here at La Bella Baskets, we are always thinking of ways to bring joy to people's lives.

So this month, we are starting a contest that will light up people's lives.

Here are the contest details:

Introducing La Bella Baskets Light Up a Life Contest! 

Pick a special person who's life you want to light up!
Next, make them a small, inexpensive gift. Remember, it's the thought that counts!

Here are some suggestions:_
* Make them a "You are awesome" or "You are appreciated" card.
* If you like to bake, bake them a sweet dessert and deliver it in person.
* If you like to garden, make a handpicked bouquet from your garden and deliver them to their front door.
* If you like to make jewelry, create a piece of jewelry for them.
* If you like to cook, make them a delicious dish.
* Anything that you think will light up their day. 

At the end of the contest, we will select five thoughtful gift givers and send them a beautiful 28 oz. Signature La Bella Baskets Soy Candle. It's our way of thanking the gift giver for lighting up someone's life.

Go ahead and enter the contest. Watch the magic behind it.

For more details, visit the link below.

Submit your entry today--just don't delay, because the last day to enter the contest is 9/13/2013! 

Your entry will be posted in our Light Up A Life album within 24 hours of submitting. Good luck!

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